Theme. As we navigate through life, we model time as flowing. The present divides the past and future and we attribute very different properties to the two continually updated realms. This model is very important to us, as it is connected to notions of the self, agency and freedom. Despite its importance, this intuitive “flow of time” seems to clash with time as it is modeled in physics. Is the clash genuine? And if so, can the sciences of the mind (cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience) help explain why creatures like us would model time as we do? How much of the flow of time lies in the external world and how much is a contribution by the observer? By bringing together physicists, philosophers and psychologists, this workshop hopes to make progress on these questions.
Organizers. Craig Callender and Ann Thresher, UC San Diego
Sponsor. This workshop is made possible by a generous grant from the Foundations Questions Institute.
Registration. The talks are free and open to the public. However, due to limited seating, you must register with the conference organizers to attend. Please contact Craig Callender ( or Ann Thresher ( to check if there is space.
Anthony Aguirre
Department of Physics, UC Santa Cruz
Valtteri Arstila
Behavioral Sciences and Philosophy, University of Turku
Maria Balcells
Philosophy, Bucknell University
Lera Boroditsky
Cognitive Science, UC San Diego
Dean Buonomano
Neurobiology and Psychology, UCLA
Sean Carroll
Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy, CalTech University
Eugene Caruso
Behavioral Science, University of Chicago
Natalja Deng
Philosophy, Yonsei University
Alison Fernandes
Philosophy, University of Warwick/Dublin
Akiko Frishhut
Philosophy, Akita International University
Rick Grush
Philosophy, UC San Diego
Christoph Hoerl
Philosophy, University of Warwick
Jenann Ismael
Philosophy, University of Arizona
Jim Hartle
Physics, UC Santa Barbara
Teresa McCormack
Psychology, Queen's University Belfast
Kristie Miller
Philosophy, University of Sydney
Laurie Paul
Philosophy, North Carolina
Carlo Rovelli
Centre de Physique Théorique, Marseille
Meghan Sullivan
Philosophy, University of Notre Dame
Katharine Tillman
Psychology, UT Austin
Virginie van Wassenhove
Cognitive Neuroscience, CEA/DRF/NeuroSpin, INSERM Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit
Participants include: Juliette Benitez (Euclid Lab), Craig Callender (UC San Diego), Ann Thresher (UC San Diego), Eddy Chen (Rutgers), Jim Weatherall (UC Irvine), Mahmoud Jalloh (USC), Bixin Guo (USC), John Dougherty (UC San Diego), Jennifer Carr (UC San Diego), Matthew Piper (UC San Diego), Adrian Bardon (Wake Forest), Graham Peebles (Akita International), Paul Skokowski (Stanford), Uma Karmarkar (UC San Diego), Blythe Greene (UC San Diego), and more.
Spacetime Location
Date: May 3-4, 2018
Location: Martin Johnson House, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, UC San Diego
To get a pdf of the slides (when available), please click on the paper titles
May 03, 2018
9:30 AM
Welcome and Introduction
Craig Callender
9:45 AM
Carlo Rovelli
10:30 AM
Reverse-engineering the Self
Laurie Paul (with Tomer Ullman and Josh Tenenbaum)
11:15 AM
11:30 AM
A Two Systems Approach to Temporal Cognition
Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack
Eugene Caruso, Allison Fernandes, Meghan Sullivan
Moderator: Adrian Bardon
1:00 PM
An Outline for a Theory of the Experience of Temporal Flow
Rick Grush
3:15 PM
Jim Hartle
4:00 PM
4:15 PM
Virginie van Wassenhove
May 04, 2018
9:45 AM
Time, Space, Language, Culture
Lera Boroditsky
10:30 AM
Getting it Wrong to Get it Right: How Should We Understand "Illusions" of Time and Change?
Maria Balcells
11:15 AM
11:30 AM
The Development of the Mental Timeline
Katharine Tillman
What Does the Neuroscience of Time Reveal about the Physics of Time?
Dean Buonomano
1:00 PM
2:15 PM
Panel: Physics and Manifest Time
Anthony Aguirre, Natalia Deng, Jenann Ismael, Akiko Frishhut
3:15 PM
The Refutation of the Cartesian Theater in Time and Observer, a Case of Emperor's New Clothes?
Valterri Arstila
4:00 PM
4:15 PM
Sean Carroll